A Recipe for a Well Rounded Happy Baby
A Recipe for a Well Rounded Happy Baby
by Write On
May 24, 2007
A baby is the most precious thing that a parent can have in their life. Most parents want to do everything they can to make their baby feel happy, content and special. Parents essentially want the best for their baby. I have talked with different parents who want to provide a wonderful and happy life for their baby but seem unsure how to go about in doing this. I have developed a simple recipe that will help parents raise a well rounded happy baby.
Provide unconditional love. That means regardless of what your baby does you will continue to show love and care. Sometimes it can get frustrating when your baby is screaming, crying or making a poppy mess but continue to remain calm. Remind yourself that the baby is a vulnerable human being who is dependent on you for everything. Without a parent's unconditional love a baby will not be able to survive.
Build your baby's self confidence. You can build your baby's self confidence by giving daily positive verbal feedback. It may appear that your baby can't understand what you are saying but babies actually do understand. A baby learns to understand their parent by first looking at their body expressions. Then with time a baby starts making a connection between the body language and the words expressed. So a baby will know that their parent is saying good things when they have a big smile on their face.
Take care of your baby's physical needs. A baby's needs are dependent on the parent. A baby needs to be fed, clothed, washed and put to sleep. Without the essential needs being met your baby can have health and mental problems.
Be a positive role model. You are setting an example, of how to be a good human being. Your baby will look up to you and copy what you say and do. For example, research studies have shown that children are more likely to smoke cigarettes when their parents are smoking. So think twice about everything action you take.
Provide a safe environment. You want to do everything you can to make sure your baby is safe and won't get hurt. Some ways you can provide a safe environment is locking up all cabinets, putting away toxic agents, gating needed areas such as the stairs and placing outlet plugs. Your baby's well-being is on the line so safety precautions should be taken care of before the baby is even born.
Create a learning enriched environment. I remember once hearing a saying that babies are like sponges ready to absorb everything around them. This is true. Babies are so intrigued and interested in their surrounding. They are ready to explore by touching and sucking different objects. Surround your child with books, colors and learning toys. This will keep their mind active and healthy.
By following this simple recipe you will have a happy baby who is smart, loving, confident, healthy and intelligent.
