ABC-Tidee Didee Diaper Service
ABC/Tidee Didee Diaper Service
153 Otto Circle
Sacramento, California 95822
ABC-Tidee Didee has been proudly serving cloth diaper service to Northern California since 1954. It is our mission to provide the absolute highest quality cloth diaper service from top to bottom (no pun intended): from the quality control of the diaper supply to the timely delivery service and also, the pleasantly friendly office staff.
Our goal is to provide everything for the new baby's entire diapering cycle. And of course, with the faster potty-training, imagine all the time and extra money saved during a 1 1/2 to 3 year diapering cycle (especially when your little one is already in training pants). Refering to a study published in The New York Times, 1999, regarding an average of 12 months earlier potty-training with cloth-diaper users than disposable users. We find many of our clients potty-training by 15 months.
As far as the Green Movement is concerned, you can be confident knowing that using cloth diapers versus using disposable diapers will reduce tons of diapers going into our local landfills. Although we currently use gasoline in our delivery vans, the amount of gas being used in our deliveries in comparison to the amount of disposables not entering our landfills leaves a smaller carbon footprint than from the manufacturing and disposing of disposables. If you don't want to deal with the mess or the time doing this yourself at home, this is where we come in. And yes, we are seeking alternative fuel vehicles at this time to replace our current delivery vans.
A few other benefits include zero skin rash, ultra convenience, and an endless supply of fresh clean diapers delivered to your door once a week. No more late runs to the supermarket. No more rash creams to buy for diaper rash. And most importantly, no more raking, rinsing, or fuss: just toss the soiled diaper into the diaper hamper and we do the rest.
Copyright © 1999-2008 ABC-Tidee Didee Diaper Service, All rights reserved
