BA Cloth Diapering
BA Cloth Diapering
Topeka, Kansas

BA Cloth Diapering is a family business. Our goal is to help other families use cloth diapers in their home.

We currently have 2 in diapers. We started trying cloth diapers when our first was 10 months old. At first it was a real challenge! There was just so much to know about cloth diapering. But as we gained more experience and spent more time learning, we figured out the system that works best for us.

We have done all the work for you. We want to share what we have learned and help make the transition to cloth a very easy and pleasant one. Upon your initial phone call or email, we make an appointment for a home visit so not only can we find out where you live, but I bring one of my babies by to teach you how to put a cloth diaper on and how to use a snappi. I teach you all the tricks of the trade, and all the secrets I have discovered in the many months I have been cloth diapering.

We are a very personable business. You will never be just a customer to us.
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