Baba Babies
Your FREE customized Baby Blog is a
Full-Featured website which includes:
-GREET your visitors with your choice of Music from our musical library.
-Child's Photo - change as often as you want.
-Birth statistics and updated statistics.
-Your own personalized introduction/greetings page title.
-Babababies Exclusive! Add your own personal message with complete
CREATIVE control over the font style, font size and color of text. Use Bold, Italics, & Underline. Set your text left, center, right or justified. Add bullets, numbering, smileys & special characters. Even pick the color you want to highlight selected text. And much more.
-Babababies Exclusive! Automatic Links to siblings websites.
-Upload all of your photos right from your computer to your website!
-You don't have to resize your photos. We do it for you!
-Organize photos into an individual photo album of ten photos.
-Change your photos (and album title) as often as you want.
-Add your own personal captions and edit at anytime.
-No waiting. No hassle.
-In seconds, family & friends can view the latest pictures of your bundle of joy.
-Bonus Album! Create a Growth Photo Album with statistics. . . start with your baby's newborn photo and add more photos (at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc.) as your child grows and changes.
BABY BLOG (Journal)
-Gives your website a personal touch.
-Record and share your child's personal growth, special events, new experiences, and your little one's achievements.
-Add a Mom's and/or Dad's blog. Share your feelings, thoughts, experiences.
-Babababies Exclusive! A ramdom photo from your Photo Gallery is displayed everytime a visitor views your Baby Blog (journal).
-Visitors can leave messages of their greetings, goodwill and best wishes for you and your family.
-You can edit and/or delete unwanted messages at anytime.
-Babababies Exclusive! You do NOT have to check your guestbook daily for new messages. We do it for you! And send you notification whenever a new message is added to your guestbook with a direct link to that message.
-Babababies Exclusive! A ramdom photo from your Photo Gallery is displayed everytime a visitor reads a guestbook message.
-Record all your child's important "firsts" (first tooth, first smile, first step, etc.).
-Compare to national average.
-Preserve and create a permanant Keepsake record of your child's early developmental milestones.
-Create your child's own personal Milestones (first haircut, first party, first time at the beach, toilet trained, dances, tumbles, etc.).
-Babababies Exclusive! A ramdom photo from your Photo Gallery is displayed everytime visitor visits this page.
-Share with family and friends what your child's favorite toys are, or TV shows, movies, songs, etc.
-Even their favorite way to touch your heart.
-Record changes as your child grows and matures.
-Babababies Exclusive! A ramdom photo from your Photo Gallery is displayed everytime a visitor reads about your child's favorite things.
And with your own CONTROL PANEL family and friends will watch as your little one grows and changes. You can modify, add or delete content at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any where in the world. And it's surprisedly easy!
PLUS many more features too numerous to list, including PASSWORD PROTECTION and choice of Background Colors and Themes which you can change at any time.
And when you're ready you'll have the option to take advantage of our STAR Premium Program which offers you many more exciting Additional Features such as Video/movies, Unlimited Photos and Albums, Slideshows, and much much more!
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