Baby Diaper Service
Baby Diaper Service
6559 5th Place, S.
Seattle, Washington 98108
Baby Diaper Service strives to be the very best diapering option for your child. When you consider that a diaper will be in contact with your child's skin 24 hours a day for the next 2 to 3 years the choice you make is an important one. We believe that having cotton against a child's skin is much healthier (and comfortable) than the paper, plastic and chemicals in single-use diapers.
When you become a member of our service you join a "family" of professionals committed to your child's health, comfort and well-being. In September of 2006 Baby Diaper Service celebrated SIXTY years of uninterrupted service to the Puget Sound community. During this time we have become experts in cloth diapering. As a member of our service your child will benefit from our experience and expertise.
When you join our service, you will be immediately impressed with the scope and professionalism of our staff and our services. Not only does Baby Diaper Service provide the very best in cloth diapers, but we also carry the latest in cloth diapering accessories. Cloth diapering has come a long way over the past several years and the new accessories make this type of diapering as simple as any single-use diaper on the market today. Plus we have learned over the years that we are primarily "skin care professionals" commited to your baby's health. Many people do not realize that a baby's skin is 5 times thinner and much more porous that an adult's. A large percentage of the products we put on our skin is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Considering that single-use diapers (of all brands) have 60 known chemicals the consequences can be staggering to a child when a series of these diapers are held in close proximity to the skin much of the time moistened.
Disposable diaper manufactures are proud of what they put into their diapers. WE are proud of what we take out.
