Banner Children's Hospital
Banner Children's Hospital
at Banner Desert Medical Center
1400 S. Dobson Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85202
Banner Children’s Hospital at Banner Desert Medical Center provides comprehensive pediatric care from general pediatrics and intensive care to a dedicated pediatric emergency department and specialized services for specific childhood diseases. Our highly skilled and compassionate staff assures parents that their children are receiving the best possible care. Our pediatric staff, in conjunction with a full array of pediatric specialty physicians, meets the diverse childhood health care needs of our time. The hospital is a member of the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI).
Healing Environment
Banner Children’s Hospital at Banner Desert Medical Center offers a soothing, healing environment for children and their families. Children are greeted in a child-friendly atmosphere by warm, caring and knowledgeable staff. Several gardens are available for family use with such features as fish, sculptures and water fountains. Healing therapies such as massage, music therapy and aromatherapy are often used to relieve stress. Our volunteer dog therapy program helps distract young patients during hospitalization.
Patient and Family Support
A variety of programs and services are available to provide support, guidance and education to our patients and their families.
Child life specialists offer services to address social, emotional and psychological needs including support before, during and after stressful events; therapeutic and recreational play opportunities; and coordinated holiday and entertainment events.
Social Services staff provide support to families of children with complex health needs.
Support groups for asthma, diabetes, cancer and blood disorders help families cope with difficult health situations.
©2008 Banner Health
