Free Baby Shower Games
My best 10 Free Baby Shower Games
I keep changing my mind but this is my current Top 10 Baby Shower Games but this is my current list for January 2009
#1 Baby Photos
Unoriginal but still one of the best ice-breaking Baby Shower Games! Ask all guests to bring a baby picture of themselves or better still, post one in advance. Take each baby picture and arrange them onto a board. Assign each picture a number. Each guest gets a piece of paper and has to match the adult guest name with the corresponding baby picture. The guest with the most correct matches wins. Use the pictures as name tags after the game.
#2 Top Baby Songs
Sort your guests into teams and get them to write down as many songs that have the word baby in the title in 3 minutes. The team who has the most song titles wins. The losers sing a baby song chosen by the winners.
#3 Drop Potato Game
Buy 1 Potato and 1 Jar making sure the Potato can fit in the jar. Place the jar in the middle of the room. Each guest places the potato in between their knees and tries walking to the middle and dropping the potato in the jar. Who ever does it stays in. Start with a big jar (or bucket!) and get gradually smaller until you have a winner. Use a small balloon for an easier version. Alcohol helps enjoyment of this game!
#4 Bottle Suckers
This game is especially good when its just for the guys at a mixed Baby Shower Party! Fill one 4 bottle per person with water or juice. Time the suckers to see who can finish the bottle the fastest. Its great watching grown men (or women) suck from a baby bottle! For more fun, 'set up' one contestant (father-to-be?) by using a teat with a very small hole or even seal one bottle completely.
#4 Pillow Talk
Just for fun, not a game. Write down everything the mother-to-be says when she opens her gifts. After all the gifts are opened, explain that her comments were 'what she said on the night the baby was conceived'! Read her comments out loud for some hysterical inuendos. Some Grannies may not appreciate this!
#5 Baby Food Tasters
Buy 10 jars of baby food. Provide a list of the 10 flavors. Cover the jars with foil and write a number on the side of each jar. Give everyone a plastic spoon, paper plate, and paper and pencil. Pass around each jar of baby food and have players drop a spoonful and write the number next to it. Get them to taste the samples and try to identify each flavor on the list. Remove the foil to reveal the answers. Try sweet potato as a 'hard to guess' option. Get the camera out to record some great faces!
#6 Baby Birthday Card
Give blank cards and envelopes numbered 1 to the number of guests (say 16) to each guest. Ask them to write a birthday card to the baby for that year of his/her life with appropriate comments and advice for that time of their life. It's a great gift for the baby, especially as a means of remembering older relatives who are present at the Baby Shower Party.
#7 Dress the baby
A great game for a mixed sex Baby Shower but you need 'good sports'. Tell all female guests to bring a diaper bag with an outfit to dress their baby. As couples arrive send them to a bedroom where the wives dress their husbands as heir babies. Give prizes for cutest, ugliest..etc.. baby.
#8 Teenage fumblings
Again this games' best for a mixed sex party (ideally) and only for 'good friends'! Blindfold 2 guests and stand them in the middle of the room facing each other. Attach 5 clothespins on each player in strategic places. The players must then search the other player to find the clothespins. Whoever finds all 5 first wins. It's camera time again!
#9 Play Dough Babies
Provide half a can of dough per guest and ask everyone to make little babies. Tthe mother-to-be then judges and the winner gets a prize. Peaceful game.
#10 Perfect Baby
Make a list of questions relating to the baby's character and appearance e.g. hair, eyes, bottom, sense of humor, intelligence..etc... Get guests to write down which of the attributes the mother would like the child to inherit fom her or the father. Compare their answers with the mother's-to-be most perfect baby list. Themost correct answers wins.
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