Modern Diaper Service
Modern Diaper Service
5318 Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, VA 22304
For less than the cost of many brands of disposable diapers you can give your baby the Comfort of 100% Cotton Diapers and free yourself from the inconvenience of washing diapers at home.
We believe that our Quality Products, Convenient Flexible Service, and Helpful, Courteous Staff combine to offer you Good Value for your Dollar.
Consider allowing Modern Diaper Service to become YOUR Diaper Service.
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At Modern Diaper Service we supply everything you need to begin diapering your baby.
Each of our diapers offers the comfort of 100% cotton, is balanced for your baby's body chemistry, contains a bacteria fighting rinse, and is clean, soft, and absorbent. These features give your baby the best possible protection against diaper rash.
* 100% Cotton Prefold Cloth Diapers
* pH Balanced to Fight Diaper Rash
* Anti-Bacterial Rinse for Extra Protection
* FREE Diaper Pail loaned with Bags & Deodorizers
* FREE Velcro Diaper Cover to each New Customer
* Discount Prices on Pins, Pants, & Diaper Covers
* GIFT Certificates Available
* 2 Sizes of Diapers & Choice of Thickness
* Pre-Birth Deliveries Available at NO Extra Charge
* Courteous, Knowledgeable Staff to Answer your Questions
* Convenient, Flexible Service
* 60 Diapers per week @ $16.75 per week
District of Columbia
Neighborhoods = We serve the entire District of Columbia = NW = NE = SW = SE =
