Organic Baby Wearhouse
Five out of the 9 pesticides most commonly used in in fabricating and producing cotton clothing are cancer causing chemicals (cyanazine, dicofol, naled, propargite, and trifluralin)
As far back as 1987, a study by the National Cancer Institute found that children who's parents used pesticides in their homes or gardens had 7 times more risk of having leukemia then other children.
Many pesticides and chemicals used in growing and manufacturing cotton clothing are petroleum based and stay in the clothing even after washing.
Many manufacturers of clothing additionally use dyes that can cause serious allergic reactions and side effects.
Our organic baby clothing eliminates all possible health issues that come from traditionally grown cotton.
Organically grown cotton is environmentally friendly as farms and factories are not spreading toxins into the water, soil, and people involved in the process.
About Organic Baby Wearhouse
Organic Baby Wearhouse is committed to providing you and your loved ones with the best quality organic baby products, grown organically and manufactured without toxins or chemicals.
We don't just sell this stuff, we live it too! In our everyday lives here in Asheville, North Carolina we make every attempt to leave little impact on our environment while limiting our exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. We are tired of being spoon fed the daily medley of chemicals and toxins introduced by big business who only care about their bottom line.
We believe in our organic baby products, and we hope you'll enjoy them too. We offer a no hassle return policy. If you are in any way dissatisfied with our product simply send it back to us for a full refund.
Organic Baby Wearhouse
Copyright © 2009 Organic Baby Wearhouse
