About ParentShack
Hi there-
We thought you might want to learn a little bit about us, the folks who created ParentShack.
And who are we? Proud parents, technical geeks, and successful businesspeople who love to solve problems.
The problem we see here is simple - there are lots of parents out there who would like to build a web site for their families, but don't have the time or the technical knowhow to do so.
And that includes ourselves. We've built web sites to show off our children, which our friends and families enjoy visiting. But found ourselves spending more hours than we had to give maintaining them.
We've also built web sites for our friends who were bright enough not to devote their careers to the Internet. But those sites languished after a few months for one reason or another--primarily our being bad about keeping up with adding the latest pix and our friends being too nice to remind us to add them.
Poof! That's how ParentShack came to life. We figured that there had to be a very simple way for parents to post pictures and share stories about what was going on in their lives. And since we didn't find anything, we set out to create it ourselvs.
Our goals with ParentShack are simple:
- Give parents the tools to create a good-looking web site without any fuss
- Provide another way for parents and their families and friends to easily communicate with each other.
- Allow sites to be private so that parents don't need to worry about their web site and photos being viewed by strangers.
And as a personal goal, we want to do it on our own. That means starting a business that is backed by us only. No wearing suits, no need to convince others that what we're doing is a good thing, no working with VCs. Been there, done that. No thank you.
So, we're starting small. And it's been a blast. So you know that you'll be turning to us for all your questions... whether it's related to a support or billing issue, or if you want to do a biz dev deal with us. Praise and blame, we deserve it all. ;)
Welcome, take a spin through our site, and please sign up and join us at ParentShack. If there's anything you'd like to tell us, drop us a note.
The ParentShack Team
© 2000-2008 ParentShack, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
